Sunday, January 27, 2013

Delaney Marie countdown!!!

Wow! A lot has happened since my last post!
Our shower we had for Delaney Marie was absolutely incredible with wonderful friends & family!!! Words can't even express our thankfulness for everything!
I have washed all her cloths, organized by size, & hung up or placed in drawers!!! I have also washed all her beautiful blankets and burp cloths we got too! Still have a ton to dig in and organize like her toys and things but trying to do those things little at a time! Tim finished his grandpa's chest of drawers for Delaney and her room I just love!!! We still have to put her bookshelves up in her reading nook but that's it besides her bedding and drapes! I love how it has all came together!
We still have 4 more showers! Some of my parents in my classroom are throwing me one! My school is throwing one for me! My team is throwing me one! & all my barn family is too! We are so grateful and thankful for such giving and loving people in our lives!!!

These last few weeks have been amazing getting to really feel Delaney! Tim & I can feel actual body parts now! One night we were laying down and my tummy literally came alive and it looked like a animal trying to escape a bag hahahahaha now that is a nightly routine! Enjoying every movement!!!

I got to enjoy a wonderful prenatal message last Monday and it was fabulous!

I have enjoyed a great bareback ride on my LadyBug last week and it felt so great to be on her since it has been awhile! LadyBug was wonderful and of course so trusting there between her & I! It's funny my legs that afternoon were in shock since it had been awhile! I was sore from literally a 10 min ride!

I also got to meet with Dr. Holt, Delaney's pediatrician! This was Tim's pediatrician when he was a baby and all the way up till he was told at 17 years old he had to get another dr hahaha! I am really excited for Delaney to have the same dr as her daddy did growing up!

A craving these last few weeks has been my Nutter butter fix from dollar general haha ;0)

This coming weekend I'm looking forward to taking my maternity pictures!!! ;0)

Tonight I was crafty and made my belly sash for pictures and to use for Delaney's newborn pictures as well when she gets here! I also made mommy & daughter matching headbands that we are going to shoot with in her newborn pictures!!! CAN'T wait!!!

The countdown is on! I'm 33 weeks now Delaney could be about 35 if she is still measuring 2 weeks ahead! We shall see here in a few weeks what my dr says!

I have def entered in the uncomfortable stage... By mid day I am def waddling lol
And she has been feeling really heavy so I am wearing a back brace to help support my belly! which is helping! I have also learned I can not walk at my normal pace bc my belly its really tight. Another thing I have learned really in the last few days is that getting out of a car and out of bed is a huge task now lol oh and putting on shoes!
I'm looking forward to these next 5-6 weeks!!! As soon as it seems, at the same time it seems so far away.
We can't wait to meet our baby girl!!!

Keeping up with the Murnan's to be continued!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

DelaneyBug's journey!

Well the last couple of weeks have been pretty productive! I have been able to relax some and we have got even more done on Delaney's room! Almost done! Getting there! 

Over the break in the beginning I was sick with I believe a strand of the flu. Yes I got my flu shot but I just think it being so bad this year it finally got me. I can't tell you the last time I was sick with a fever was. I rested some, took some antibiotics, & kept small amounts of Tylenol in my system to keep my fever down. All I have to say is I'm so glad to be over the worst part and DelaneyBug doing good!

We went to the Dr. last Thursday and we got to see her! Delaney is measuring at 30 weeks 5 days, 3 lbs 5oz, & head down!

The countdown is on now! I have no idea where she is going to go these last few weeks! I feel huge! I'm enjoying all her precious movements! It's fun to watch my tummy become deformed haha because her movements are so big! It's fun to guess what body part we think she is poking out at us! ;0)

I am very excited for our baby shower coming up! We are SO blessed to have SO many friends & family that are such big parts of our lives and now our precious little girls!!!
I have to say she is spoiled rotten already & not just by her mommy & daddy! Hehe

In the pics attached is an updated picture of DelaneyBug's nursery (by her bed is where her reading nook is going to be!!), me at 28 & 29 weeks & Delaney Marie at 29 weeks (measuring at 30 weeks, 5 days)

Stay tuned to: Keeping up with the Murnan Family!!! ;0)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Delaney Bugs room in progress!!!

Going into 28 weeks!

The progress of Delaney bugs room has been an adventure but success! Tim has been so busy over the last few weeks from painting his little girls room, to putting her crib together, picking up her changing table/dresser, putting her storage cubes together, to hanging frames & her letters! I can't thank him enough!!! Thank you SO much baby! it means SO much! He is such an amazing daddy already! (Frames & letters are larger in person! In pics they look smaller...)

Last night I got in a crafty mood and did her ribbon on her letters and no they are not perfect by all means hahaha I would classify them as extra special with a extra special touch from mommy hahaha! I also added flowers to her frames!!! I am very pleased with how all my thoughts I visualized so far in her room have come together!!!

Still have a few more things to-do!

This weekend I washed the cloths she has so far and wow! She is definitely going to catch up to her momma real quick on the whole wardrobe thing hehehe!!! I really enjoyed washing, folding, & hanging up all her precious outfits and loved wondering what she is going to look like in each of them!!! I know what y'all are thinking... Your crazy because the wash never ever ends when she is here haha i'm ready for it!!! Hehehe!

This weekend we also finished up our 3 classes we have attended & learned a lot in each one! We took a childbirth, breast feeding, & child care class from our hospital we are delivering at! They scared me in some ways but prepared me for a lot and anything can happen so I feel more prepared and educated about each of them now.

We are excited & nervous all at the same time!

The Count down is on!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Journey of Miss Delaney Marie!

Wow 27 weeks this week with Miss Delaney Marie! A lot has happened since we found out about our little precious girl! 

A lot of you might know but Tim and I were planning for a mini us! We tried for 6 months and then it was finally our turn! I was calculating days and all that good stuff and The first day my ovulation calender said to take a test I was all about it! Well I took a digital test and nothing happened must have been a dud... BUT then Saturday came around (a few days later) and Tim randomly said "baby I think you should take another test..." "I was like no babe its ok... I don't wont to get bummed out again..." He said "no babe I really think you should..." So I said "ok I will..."Def took it and laid it on the window seal and went and laid back down! Tim was pacing back and forth in the bathroom! NEXT I heard "Um babe?..." My response: as sitting up in the bed REALLY fast "Um what?..." Tim's respone: "We are pregnant!!!" (huge smile on his face!!! will never forget it! ) my response: "Babe if I come in there and your joking I'm going to whop your butt!" haha Tim: "No really babe, it says PREGNANT!" Of course I fly out of the bed and go look!!! It read PREGNANT!!! Tim and I both were all smiles!!! We had taken a picture of all our boots months ago ready and prepared for this amazing and exciting day! We sent the picture out to close friends and family! 

First dr. appointment was so amazing to hear our little ones heart beat and see the little bean she looked like! 
Second dr appointment where we got to see her she looked like a little gummy bear and was moving like crazy! 
Heart rate has always been in the 150's! 

The BIG doctor appointment finally arrived(Thursday)! The gender reveal! Some of you know but others who don't We had my mother in law Kerrie with us and the Dr. only told her this day! Yes I know we had to wait a whole day NOT knowing! Kerrie left the dr. and went home to finish decorating a box that she stuffed with balloons the color of the gender! 
Friday evening finally came! Friends and family gathered from all over even on FaceTime!!! The countdown began and we opened the box in front of everyone! ANDDD  out flew beautiful PINK balloons!!! IT'S A GIRL!!! Talk about an over abundance of joy rushing through my heart! Which PS thank you to everyone that was able to make it! Such a special day to us! We announced her name Delaney Marie that night to everyone!

Since then I feel like time is soaring by! I have been very busy at work and I know that is one reason why it has been so fast paced!
My cravings have been: chicken broth, steak, & PB&J so far! 
Tim has done an incredible job getting her nursery ready! Painting, putting her bed & shelves together, and picking up her changing table we found! We still have a lot to do but it is coming together wonderfully! He is such an amazing daddy already! I can't wait to see her in his arms! 

I went home to GA for Thanksgiving break and was SO excited I got to see my family during my pregnancy and they got to see me too! One thing that meant so much to me is My sissy got to feel Delaney move a lot! and I also got to meet my new little sister Maylee, which was very special! In the photos you will see a photo of my belly painted that my sissy spent a lot of time on! She did such a cute and wonderful job! She is so artistic even on her sissy's belly! It is a momma ladybug and baby ladybug! Loved this moment and memory with my sissy! 

I am about to go on my Christmas break (2 weeks) and yes this momma is SO excited to get things done around the house and relax... yes I know what some of you are thinking... you relax Alex?... yeah well its written in my planner haha so going to try but we shall see!

Tonight is a VERY special night! For the first time Tim and I got to physically see Delaney's body move across the to of my tummy 3 times and feel her too! It was amazing and we are so in love with her already!!! 

Sorry so long but new at this blog thing and had a lot to cover over the last 27 weeks :)

More to come of the journey of Miss Delaney Marie!